Year 4, 2012-13 Course Directors: Professor Barbara Bain and Professor David Lane
Year 4 study guide [pdf] Course outline [pdf]
Professor Bain's interactive haematology image bank


Module 1: Haemostasis and thrombosis

Module 2: Leukaemias, lymphomas and multiple myeloma

Module 3: Inherited and acquired red cell disorders

Model answers

You will get most benefit from the model answers if you treat the exercise as practice for the examination. You are therefore advised to write an answer in examination conditions before looking at the model answer provided.

Example of essay question:
Discuss the type of evidence that could be used to discover if treatment for neoplastic conditions causes leukaemia (70% of marks for question). What are the characteristics of therapy-related acute myeloid leukaemia? (30% of marks for question)
You should spend no more than 1 hour 15 minutes on your answer.
Example of essay question with outline of model answer [Word]
Example of SAQ [Word] Example of SAQ with model answer [Word]
Example of data interpretation questions [Word]
Example of data interpretation question paper [Word]
Example of data interpretation - answers [Word]

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