Year 3 2011-12
Course leader
Dr Ged Murtagh
Dr Athina Belsi

Clinical Communication


Recordings of interviews - Recordings of the Simulated Patient Interviews in September are available for downloading from a drive on the College network in order that you can complete your e-Portfolio task. Please note these are large files (most are between 100Mb and 160Mb) so download times on slow connections will be long. Please also note that only you can access your own file.

You should do the following:

  1. If working outside of College, you will need to set up a VPN connection first. This will also authenticate you to your personal private storage area. Details of setting up VPN connections are on the ICT website
  2. Access to the drive where your files are located is via a network address:
    Windows PC Users - Start/Run \\\san\FoM-SMOTS\clips\username
    Mac users - Go->Connect to Server, type smb://
  3. Inside your folder, either see the .mp4 file if it was exported automatically, or
  4. If the recording has had to exported by us manually, locate the sub-directory entitled 'Footage' inside of which will be your .mp4 file.
  5. DO NOT run the file from the network location.
  6. SAVE this file to a local directory on the machine you are using, or to another safe location. You may chose to rename it with a more logical file name.
  7. We strongly recommend that you also save the file to your e-Portfolio but to do this you will need to compress the file to less than 50MB. See details of how you can do this.
  8. If the file is inside a 'Footage' folder, please ensure you have copied your recording from the server before you record any more sessions as the original file will no longer be available.

If there are any problems with the completeness of your recording, contact Dr Ged Murtagh

If you have problems accessing the repository, please contact webmaster.feo

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This page was last updated: July 12, 2012 6:06 PM