Conducting clinical examinations

Professor Karim Meeran

These web pages demonstrate, through description, diagrams and videoclips, how you might examine patients. Please note that these methods are given only as examples of how such examinations can be conducted.

Reading the text, and watching and listening to the video clips, is not enough. You need to practise all of this on real patients. This is best done by getting another student to observe you while you carry out one of these examinations, and for that student to tell you what you forgot to do. Getting good at clinical examination requires a lot of practice.

Clinical Examinations
Cardiology, Respiratory, Cranial Nerve, Neurological and Endocine Examinations are demonstrated by Professor Meeran.

e-module (requires FLASH player - download to your personal PC from here)
How to present a patient on a Ward Round
GALS screen - Matthew Pickering's online learning module
(requires latest FLASH player - download player here)

Useful links
Post-graduate standard description of clinical examinations - highly detailed.
The content has been 'anglicised' and minor navigation links have been added, with permission of the publishers. You may find some of the American nmemonics 'amusing'.
Please note that the original American website version is no longer available.

Heart & Lung sounds - from the CD

Clinical Skills Website home page

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Last updated:
August 24, 2009 3:20 PM