Year 3, 2011-12

End of Firm sign-off forms and guidance notes

All End of Firm sign-off forms are available below. Students are responsible for printing their own forms for Year 3. You will be required to arrange a meeting with your Firm Leader or an alternative individual that has been nominated by the Firm leader in order to complete the form. You should then return your completed form to the teaching coordinator at your site by the end of the attachment.

Sign-off requirements for Year 3
You will require a completed End of Firm sign-off form for each firm you undertake in Year 3.  To progress to the examinations in Year 3:

  • Each firm must be passed with a ‘Meets Expectations’ grade. 
  • Each of the fields must be completed.
  • A mark must be given for each of the domains: Clinical Skills, Practical Skills, Communication Skills, Knowledge and each of the Professionalism Criteria.
  • The Overall Firm Grade must be circled and the relevant signatures included.

If any of these elements is blank on submission, the form will be returned to you and will need to be resubmitted when completed.

If a number of the ‘Unable to Comment’ boxes are ticked, and an inadequate explanation of why this is the case is given, the form will also be returned to you with a request that a more appropriate person, who is able to provide detail, is found to complete this form.

We recommend to Consultants that whilst completing the form they note as many comments on this form as possible, for feedback purposes. We also advise you to keep a scanned copy of this form on your e-portfolio.  The Faculty Education Office will need to keep the original signed copy for our records.

Borderline performance in the Firm
Borderline categories will be considered by the Head of Year and the following options may be considered:

  • Head of Year approves sign-off as ‘Meets Expectation’ on review of comments, having undertaken further investigation or met with student.
  • Head of Year approves sign-off as ‘Meets Expectation’, but the student is closely monitored throughout the rest of the year to ensure they are adequately supported.
  • Head of Year considers the candidate not to have met expectations and remedial action will be required.  Any remedial action will be organised on a case by case basis, but it may delay entry into Year 3 examinations.
Third 10-week attachment end of firm sign-off forms, grouped alphabetically by surname:
A-C [pdf] D-H [pdf] I-L [pdf] M-O [pdf] P-S [pdf] T-Z [pdf]
Third 10-week attachment Supplementary forms, grouped alphabetically by surname:
A-C [pdf] D-H [pdf] I-L [pdf] M-O [pdf] P-S [pdf] T-Z [pdf]
Third 10-week CMT assessment forms - grouped alphabetically by surname
A-C [pdf] D-H [pdf] I-L [pdf] M-O [pdf] P-S [pdf] T-Z [pdf]

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