Protocol for submission and printing of study guides

Will Learning Resources pay for the printing of my guide?

Learning Resources pay the printing costs for all teaching study guides that are issued to a whole year group at any time. It will not fund the costs for site or attachment specific guides – these fall under the remit of the SIFT manager and queries about these should be referred to Carla Weekes

Learning Resources will pay for appropriately formatted study guides, i.e.:
• in black and white print
• double-sided
• card covered
• double staple along the spine of the guide.
In order for the guide to be printed in time for the commencement of the course you must allow a minimum turn round period of four weeks from the time of receipt by Learning Resources.

Who do I contact if I have queries?

If you have any queries concerning study guides please contact

Essential formatting for guides

  1. All study guides should be submitted electronically, via email, in Word format to webmaster.feo The email should state the:
    • required completion date
    • number of guides needed
    • year of the students receiving the guide.
  2. The guide must be no longer than 90 pages (or 180 sides) in print-ready form.
  3. The course leader should have proof-read the document before its submission, ensuring that it is print-ready when submitted. Learning Resources will not correct the content of any documents submitted for printing.
  4. Body text should be 11pt Arial with Header text being consistent in style and size throughout the document.
  5. Page numbering throughout the document should be consistent.
  6. All guides should have equal left and right margins (at least 2.5 cm) to allow for binding.
  7. All study guides should have a cover branded with the Imperial College London logo. Only guides supplied for years 1 and 2 need to refer to a theme on the course guide cover.
  8. All email addresses should be re-branded to contain the ending (replacing the suffix).
  9. All hyperlinks in the text should be disabled. (This can be done by clicking on the format tab and selecting autoformat and clicking on the options button. Deselect the hyperlink button (under “autoformat as you type”). Click on “ok”.) When referring to web addresses, please refer to the nearest top level page, i.e. year pages to avoid overlong web addresses and to encourage students to browse the intranet.
  10. All intranet and Internet links mentioned in the guide should have been tested by the course co-ordinator or a delegate to make sure that they are still fully functional. This is seen as a part of proof-reading and is not the responsibility of Learning Resources.
  11. The course guide should contain the aims and objectives of the course.
  12. It is the responsibility of the co-ordinator to check that the study guide does not contravene any intellectual property law. Please email Ms Kate Perris if you have any queries on this particular matter.
  13. Do not underline text - use bold and/or italics.
  14. Do not use justified text.

Desirable formatting

1. Double-spaces after punctuation marks should be avoided.

2. Graphics from multiple sources should be grouped together.

3. Contents pages should have roman numerals (Arabic I is recommended) and there should be a blank page following the contents page.

4. Multiple definitions of tabs and spaces to position text should be avoided, since these lead to display problems when on screen or when printed by other users, as their default tabs may be different to yours.

5. Footers should contain page numbers only. Headers can contain text as appropriate.

6. All guides should have a cover and a contents page; further suggestions for guide contents include:

a. Outline of subject and planned course delivery
b. format of course delivery (tutorials, practicals etc.)
c. list of recommended text books
d. list of supplementary reading
e. CAL (other than Learning materials on the intranet), i.e. Network Software – please specify this)
f. Timetable of the course
g. Glossary of terms fundamental to the course
h. sample multiple choice and short answer questions and specimen answers.

7. If using scanned images in the guide ensure that they are of appropriate quality; the easiest way to do this is by printing out a black and white copy of the Image and photocopying it to ensure it is still legible.

8. When including PowerPoint slides, the printed material should offer more than a replication of material distributed in the lecture. Make sure that the slides are on a light background, and that the picture quality is useful at the appropriate resolution. Make appropriate use of space on the page – try to have as many slides as possible on a page, whilst ensuring they are still legible.

9. Be careful when using Greek letters. Make sure that these are all displayed in the same font, otherwise the same character may appear quite different.

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This page was last updated: November 9, 2011 9:45 AM