This is an introduction to the LAPT CAL software, which can help you prepare for your up-coming exams.

LAPT includes a range of exercises. Some were written to support specific teaching sessions you have had here at Imperial, and others are aimed at a specific topic. Some exercises were written by teachers at UCL where LAPT is widely used by the medical students (follow pointers to UCL exercises to find them; includes anatomy questions).

Several question formats are used. You will get immediate feedback about the correct answer and often there is also an explanation of the answer. LAPT uses certainty-based marking to encourage you to think about the basis of your knowledge. Note that at Imperial we don't use confidence-based marking in the exams. Your exam scores will be based simply on the percentage of questions that you get right (also shown in LAPT).

LAPT is found at the URL:

Read the section: What is Certainty-Based Marking? 
Then click on EXERCISE MENU at the top of the screen. 
Scroll down to 'Imperial' and follow the instructions.

Good luck and if you have trouble using LAPT, email: Professor Nancy Curtin

Professor Nancy Curtin

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Last updated: September 28, 2012 11:11 AM